9 Life Skills for Young Adults Struggling with Failure to Launch

Young adults who are struggling with failure to launch syndrome often underestimate how hard it is supposed to be to live independently. They understand that they have struggled with motivation, but assume that being more responsible and cleaning up after themselves may be sufficient in helping them transition to adult roles. Independence goes beyond physical separation from one’s family. Emotional independence involves developing skills in a variety of areas that help you cope with negative emotions, manage interpersonal conflict, and make decisions that align with your best interests based on personal values you’ve identified. 

At Momentum, we use a strengths-based approach to help young adults struggling with a failure to launch develop life skills in a variety of areas, not just practical skills, in order to help them become more independent and confident. 

While at Momentum, young adults strengthen social and emotional skills and begin to apply practical life skills to help them address their failure to launch:

  • Independence

Our primary goal is to help young adults become more independent by teaching them a variety of life skills that will help them launch into adulthood. Although we encourage interdependence in a group setting, our focus is on helping students explore and solidify their identity as individuals and to rely less on others for validation.

  • Personal responsibility

Young adults are encouraged to take responsibility for where they are in their lives. We understand that many of their unhealthy behaviors have been their way of coping with negative situations in their lives but believe that they are able to take back control of how they respond to things by learning new skills. Students take responsibility for their emotions rather than blaming others as well as taking responsibility for following the daily schedule and participating in activities.  

  • Relationship Skills

Our program is relationship-based and emphasizes learning how to connect with others and work together in therapy and through challenge-by-choice activities. We help young adults identify what healthy relationships should look like and teach them how to set boundaries and advocate for themselves. Our therapeutic wellness program is designed to help young adults find healthy activities they can participate in with friends and to develop authentic positive connections.

  • Self Esteem and Confidence

One of the biggest takeaways most of our students report is an increase in self esteem and confidence. Many of our students come in with a poor sense of self and are insecure about participating in activities and interacting with others. As they build authentic connections and accomplish goals they’ve set for themselves, they discover their inner strengths and gain new confidence.

  • Academic Strategy

Momentum’s unique approach to experiential learning appeals to students trying to complete high school, prepare for tests like the GED, or earn college credits. We focus on teaching students study skills and being able to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-life experiences. With smaller class sizes, teachers are able to give students individualized attention to meet their needs. 

  • Communication Skills

We teach students how to identify and understand their own emotions and help them learn how to share them with others. We encourage open and honest communication and teach students that vulnerability is a strength. Many of our students struggle with talking openly about their emotions, being aware of other people’s needs, and responding appropriately when they become overwhelmed. 

  • Community Etiquette

Many of our students are introverted or struggle with socializing in group settings. At Momentum, they work on building a strong group dynamic that creates a nurturing environment. Students learn how to work and live together as they develop shared goals. A supportive community is at the heart of our program.

  • Time Management and Organization. 

One of the biggest obstacles to staying motivated is being able to set goals and plan ahead. While many of our students have a vision for their future, it feels distant and less concrete. Our academic program focuses on teaching students valuable study skills and organizational skills to help them succeed outside the classroom. Following a daily schedule helps young adults begin to manage their time and develop healthy routines.

  • Culinary skills

We have a culinary kitchen on campus where students learn the basics of cooking for themselves and try new recipes. Our culinary program is rooted in nutrition education and intuitive eating. Culinary skills, meal planning, and grocery shopping are important skills for young adults living independently.

Momentum Young Adult Therapy Can Help 

Momentum is a young adult therapy and gap program for those between the ages of 18-25 designed to help with the transition to independence and improved self-awareness. The program uses  cognitive behavioral therapy, optional nature-based activities, and a strength-based approach. It is a small and nurturing community that focuses on goals of improved self-regulation and overall functioning for the young adults. Momentum gives students the skills they need to lead healthier, happier lives. We can help your family today!

Contact us at 877-296-8711.

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