A Mental Health Retreat
for Young Adults

Reset, refocus, & realign with your favorite self.

Your Journey
Toward Wellness

You are more than just your anxiety, depression, or trauma. When you're ready to reconnect with a sense of inner peace & align your habits with the life you want to lead, we can help.

A young adult with curly hair smiles as he looks at a large map on the table. The background shows drawings and crafts displayed on the wall of a wooden cabin.

Build Better Relationships.
Communicate with Confidence.
Feel Happier.

of our students report improved relationship skills
of our students report that they are better at communicating feelings
of our students report being less depressed

Hear From Alumni Students & Parents

Hear from our alumni students and parents who have faced mental health challenges and found well-being through their wellness retreat journey.


Address mental health concerns & habits that no longer serve you.

We help with:

Depression Symptoms

  • Feeling sad or just "blah" most of the time
  • Losing interest in hobbies
  • Avoiding friends and social events

Anxiety Symptoms

  • Worrying nonstop or feeling restless
  • Difficulty concentrating or finishing tasks
  • Avoiding situations that make you nervous

Trauma / PTSD Symptoms

  • Feeling detached or numb to life
  • Constantly feeling on edge or nervous
  • Avoiding situations that remind you of the trauma

Tech Addiction Symptoms

  • Can't stop scrolling, gaming, or being online
  • Neglecting friends, schoolwork, or a job
  • Feeling anxious or irritable without your phone

"I’ve learned emotional regulation and how to set and accept boundaries. I've gained self-worth and confidence and I’m learning more about who I am. I'm slowly embracing my true self."

~ Momentum Student

Reduce stress & break away from the pressures of everyday life.

Focus on healing.

Mental Health & Wellness

  • Develop Healthy Coping Skills & Self-Care
  • Improve Your Relationship With Technology
  • Learn Techniques for Emotional Regulation

Personal Growth & Development

  • Gain Self-Worth & Self-Motivation
  • Improve Time Management & Organization
  • Navigate Neurodiversity in a Neurotypical World

Relationships & Responsibilities

  • Improve Social & Family Dynamics
  • Gain Daily Life Skills for Independence
  • Cope with Academic & Job Pressure

Struggling to maintain healthy tech habits?

You've probably never known a world without computers and smartphones. And you might feel like it's impossible to shake your current tech habits. But Momentum can help you learn how to engage in mindful, constructive tech usage that supports the life you want to live.

A Holistic Approach to Mental Health & Wellness

Therapy + Coping Skills + Recovery


Reset + Realign

Mental Health + Wellness Support

  • Mindfulness Meditation & Yoga: We offer mindfulness meditation exercises and regular yoga classes to promote relaxation, mental clarity, and physical well-being through movement, breath work, and self-awareness without judgment.

  • Life Skills for Independence: Our life skills training, tailored for post-program success, includes developing effective communication, conflict management, personal hygiene, cooking, and time management.

  • Whole Foods Nutrition: Nutrition and cooking lessons teach students about healthy eating habits and cooking skills, emphasizing a whole foods diet to support physical and mental wellness.


Heal + Grow

Holistic Therapies

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Treatment plans are a collaborative, client-driven effort between the young adult, their therapist, and their family. Students actively participate in identifying their own strengths, unique needs, and goals.

  • Individual Therapy & Group Therapy: Students engage in 1-on-1 sessions with their primary therapist twice a week to address personal mental health concerns and goals. Therapist-facilitated peer group therapy sessions also occur twice weekly.

  • Experiential Therapies: Hands-on, nature-based therapies can include creative art activities, outdoor experiences, and equine therapy to promote healing, personal growth, self-expression, relational skills, emotional resilience, and overall well-being.


Reset + Balance

Tech Integration

  • Digital Wellness: We focus on intentional digital device use to enhance digital wellness, promoting mindful tech use from day one instead of "cold-turkey" methods.

  • Apple Watch & Digital Tools: Students receive an Apple Watch and well-being apps for time management, routine tracking, and biometrics. Other devices are gradually incorporated.

  • Tech Education: Students learn about the impact of tech overuse, practice intentional integration, and use tools for a healthy tech routine.


Prepare + Learn

Academics & College Courses

  • Accredited College Course
  • Academic Credits
  • High School Completion
  • Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
  • College Readiness & Independent Living Classes
  • Transition Support
  • 529 Funds Cover Total Program Cost
Group Therapy Session

Communicate + Collaborate

Family Programs

  • Weekly Parent Coaching
  • Weekly Parent Group Sessions
  • Family Therapy Zoom Sessions
  • Therapeutic Phase Workbooks For Parents
  • Family Reunification & Transition Planning
  • Alumni Family Support Calls
  • Sibling Support (when appropriate)

Discover the Heart of Our Community

From our dedicated team to our scenic campus to our holistic approach.

Meet Our Team

Experienced Professional
& Passionate Staff

See Our Campus

Beauty & Adventure
in WNC

Explore Our Approach

Clinical & Therapeutic

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about our program and what you can expect when you join our community.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us through our contact page. We're here to help you every step of the way!