Finding A Solution for Parents: “My son never leaves his room”

Do you find yourself saying “my son never leaves his room” on a regular basis? Does it feel like a struggle to help him socialize and put himself out into the world? Your son may be experiencing social isolation. Social isolation is often marked by the following behaviors:

  • Avoidance of social interaction due to shame or depression.
  • Spend extended periods of time alone.
  • Experience social anxiety or fears of abandonment at the idea of social interaction.
  • Have only limited or superficial social contact.
  • Lack important social or professional relationships.
  • Develop severe distress and loneliness.

According to studies, males are more likely to isolate themselves than women. However, despite this, they are also less likely to admit to feeling lonely. As a parent, confronting your child about this can be difficult and uncomfortable. If you feel as if your son is experiencing social isolation, you should not ignore the situation.

Helping Your Son Build Social Skills

The worse thing you can do for your child is try to force them to socialize more. This can cause them to develop a resentment towards you. Try implementing these steps to help your son struggling with social isolation:

  1. Get to the root of the problem. Before taking any action, you should try to address what is going on. Figure out why your son is unmotivated to interact with others. This could be a bullying incident, insecurities, or something else.
  2. Come up with a plan of action. Figure out your son’s interests. Talk to him about engaging in activities with others who have the same interests. Help him practice social skills. Do family activities to may your son feel included and show them how fun interacting can be.

Momentum Young Adult Therapy Can Help

Momentum is a young adult therapy and gap program for those aged 18-25 designed to help with the transition to independence and improved self-awareness. The sophisticated and integrated program uses cognitive behavioral therapy, optional nature-based activities, and a strength-based approach. It is a small and nurturing community that focuses on the common goals of improved self-regulation and overall functioning for the young adults. Momentum gives students the skills they need to lead healthier, happier lives. We can help your family today!

Contact us at 877-296-8711

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